Archive for the ‘War on Terror’ Category

A Grim Confession

March 14, 2008

It is with heavy heart that I must confess a hidden sin. A depravity lingers in my soul, and threatens to disbar me from Heaven forever. It is only through fervency of prayer and steadiness of resolution that I may yet prevail in this trial, and return once again to the blessing and favor of the Lord.


The harlot, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, is indeed a foul, disgusting, and loathsome wench. Her fundamental evil is manifest; she destroyed a marriage sacred to God, even if it was a marriage between leftist traitor Democrats scarcely a notch above Pagan orgying. Ashley Dupre is a deviant prostitute of French extraction. Yet, I find that I cannot stop thinking about her.


Her Hippie pacifism notwithstanding, this siren has caused flickerings and stirrings within me. Those powerful sensations are sinful in nature. I am well aware of this fact, yet I seem powerless to do anything about them.

I have spent the past day in pious, devoted prayer. When reading the Bible did not purge this strumpet from my mind, I began beating myself about the head and shoulders with the Holy Book, trusting in the Word of God to drive this Gallic succubus from my heart.

My wife has been very understanding of my toils and travails. I told her about the damnation I face, and we prayed together for hours. My wife pointed out that this is the exact reason why decent women strap their chest down in public, and why indecent women are fit only to be pilloried and pelted with rotten vegetables, ridiculed, scorned, and mocked by decent society. The very mangy dogs of the streets, byways, alleys and hamlets are fitter instruments of God’s beneficence than is a shameless hussy like Ashley Alexandra Dupre.


Go ahead, Ashley. Suckle your fingers. Ogle me with lust in your heart and Satan in your loins. Sidle up to your equally-attractive friend in a ridiculously unwholesome outfit, alcoholic beverage in your hand and Spitzer stains on your conscience. With the help of God and my devout, pious, saintly wife, I shall destroy you. I will purge you from my soul, and I shall not rest until America sends you to Guantanamo along with the other women of impure mind and unsalvageable spirit.

God is with me, and with all Americans who resist the wiles of harlotry!

Bush Refuses to Ban Waterboarding

March 8, 2008

Kudos to President Bush for not backing down on the issue of permitting terrorists to enjoy watersports:

President Bush said Saturday he vetoed legislation that would ban the CIA from using harsh interrogation methods such as waterboarding to break suspected terrorists because it would end practices that have prevented attacks.

“The bill Congress sent me would take away one of the most valuable tools in the war on terror,” Bush said in his weekly radio address taped for broadcast Saturday. “So today I vetoed it,” Bush said. The bill provides guidelines for intelligence activities for the year and includes the interrogation requirement. It passed the House in December and the Senate last month.

“This is no time for Congress to abandon practices that have a proven track record of keeping America safe,” the president said.

Look, no one here enjoys waterboarding. It’s an immoral, sinful pastime. But the terrorists enjoy the practice, and President Bush is making a perfectly valid point: in a nation where the deviant activity known as “snowboarding” is 100% legal, how can he be expected to ban its cousin? Why should worthless snow-Hippies get to damn themselves to Hell, but the CIA not be permitted to use similar sporting pleasures as leverage to extract information from terrorists?

You can’t have it both ways, America. Either you can ban all sinful demon-loving sports, or keep your awful mountain hobby and let the CIA keep their interrogation “carrot.”

Terrorists Attack Again!

March 6, 2008

Leftist terrorists have tried to destroy our military!

The police said the explosive device involved in the Times Square blast this morning was “roughly similar” to the devices used in two earlier bombings at foreign consulates in Manhattan, in 2005 and 2007, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said at an afternoon news conference. The device had been placed in an ammunition box like the kind that can be bought at a military supply store. Officials said that in today’s attack, a man bundled in a gray hooded jacket or sweatshirt was seen riding a bicycle around the recruiting station moments before the explosion. Subways and traffic are running normally through Times Square.

Islamist nutballs have gone on a killing spree in Israel!

Two gunmen infiltrated a rabbinical seminary and opened fire after nightfall Thursday. At least seven people were killed, police and local media said, including at least one of the terrorists.

Israeli media said about 35 people were wounded. Ambulances raced to the scene from around the city.

Al Qaeda has struck in Baghdad!

Two bombs went off within minutes of each other in a crowded shopping district in the capital Thursday, killing up to 55 and wounding 133 — a reminder that deadly attacks are a daily threat even though violence is down.

There were no immediate claims of responsibility. But back-to-back bombings designed to maximize carnage became the hallmark of attacks on civilians by al-Qaida in Iraq during the worst of the violence in Baghdad in 2006.

The world has erupted in flames, mere hours after the Democrat primaries in Texas and Ohio. The liberals among us would like to pretend that these attacks are not coordinated, that they have no connection. These are the same people who deny that Saddam Hussein was a financier of international terrorism. Pay their lies no heed.

Liberals, Islamists, Marxists, atheists- call them what you will, they are but differing faces of the same enemy, Satan. Satan will not stop until America and her freedom-loving allies in Israel, Iraq, and elsewhere, are completely destroyed. One can only sevre one side in this war: freedom in Christ, or slavery to the Dark Lord.

Pray for the victims of these terrorist acts. Pray for the American victims of the Democrat Party. Pray that President Brownback will chastise these evildoers for their iniquities. God bless America, and keep us safe and free.

Terrorists Attack!

February 28, 2008

They’ve wounded 5 people in an Illinois mall:

A large explosion has blown the top off a shopping plaza in Waukegan, Illinois. Police say at least six people have been taken to a hospital.

The explosion struck around lunchtime Thursday. It blew the windows out of storefronts and collapsed the ceilings above stores.

Witness Candi Rixie was taking orders at a sandwich shop a block away. She said she felt a rumble, almost like somebody hit the building with a car.

It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the blast, but crews from People’s Gas were on the scene to investigate.

I’m guessing they won’t find that it was terrorism, because that would make Barack Mohammed Hussein Osama look bad. But that doesn’t change the fact that malls are known terror targets, and that Illinois is a leftist state chock-full of Muslim extremists. Don’t believe the hype. This is terrorism, pure and simple. The only question is, what are the American people going to do about attacks like this? Continue to let the Democrats cover them up? Or throw the bums out, and execute a few of the bad guys, to show the rest of them that actions have consequences, so maybe they should think twice before attacking our malls?

The choice is clear, people. Destroy terrorism. Vote Republican.

Snowboarding is the Capering of Demons

February 20, 2008

SnowboardingHere in the Hellish region known as New England, hard rains have begun wiping the snows away. The streets are paved in ice, cracking the asphalt beneath the tires of the Volvos and Priuses driven by the local Hippies. My wife slipped and fell on the ice yesterday, severely injuring her leg.

None of this bothers me too much, though. The important thing is that a thaw is occurring. I very much enjoy the departure of the snow. Not that spring is coming, mind you: I’m well aware that we face another two or three months of frigid, bone-chilling unpleasantness. But the absence of snow means the absence of Satan’s sport, snowboarding.

I was never too familiar with snowboarding where I grew up. Decent folk didn’t engage in such activities, and the indecent folk didn’t have enough snow or enough elevation to partake in the shame. However, I had heard of the “sport” from growing up in this country, and by all accounts it is the exclusive purview of deviant Hippies, disgruntled grunge-sters, and marijuana users frustrated by supply shortages. The sport enjoys a very, very poor reputation among Christians for a reason, after all; allegations of its ties to Satanism are nothing new.

In fact, there is substantial evidence that snowboarding is, in fact, the frolic of choice among demons seeking escape from the rigors of damnation. Such demons would likely use the excuse of corrupting the souls of snowboarding teens as a means of gaining access to the chilly pastime for themselves. It is no coincidence that the sport was invented in California, and is widely practiced in Vermont, the most moonbatty states in America, both states well known for bat-ridden mountains containing secret passageways to the netherworld. Demons use California and Vermont as conduits between Hell and the good God-fearing folk who can be found in the 48 American states NOT considered Satan’s domain.

SatanSome snowboarders resist Satan, and attempt to bring purity and faith to the activity. But the overwhelming majority choose to wallow in their iniquities. Backlash has arisen, of course, but what can a few concerned citizens do in the face of Satan’s hordes and willing minions?

Here is a website an astute reader alerted me to a while back, “VTDeathrider.” This is a Vermont-based group of useless hooligans and reprobates, careening down mountain slopes at top speed instead of praying or serving their country in Iraq. Just look at these louts; many of them are too drunk to even continue serving the bidding of their Dark Master, and continue snowboarding with him. I am ashamed to share a nation with these madmen.

I have repeatedly implored the proprietors of that blog to turn aside from Satan and his wicked ways, and to embrace the ways and doings of Christ. My entreaties have been met with a stony silence as these foolish dunderheads continue to post footage of themselves skirting dark, forested, demon-infested mountains; interviews with bikini-clad snowboard enthusiasts; and an overall flagrant disregard for the safety and property rights of others. I include the link that you, my Christian brothers and sisters, may also enjoin these foolish young deviants not to cast aside their immortal souls for a few seconds’ thrill riding a plastic board into a tree or off a cliff, or falling and becoming devoured by wolves and demons. Perhaps our combined efforts may have some effect on them; perhaps not. In any event, God will likely reward you twice as much for saving the soul of a Vermonter as He will for saving the soul of a person who wasn’t born in the realm of Satan.

Fortunately, Satan does not keep his promises. The thrill is fleeting, and death is eternal. As more and more snowboarders find themselves dragged down to Hell by the lies and distortions of the Dark One, America may yet see an end to this fad. America will prevail. America must prevail.

Let Freedom Ring in Cuba!

February 19, 2008

Fidel CastroThe Evil One has chosen to end his disgraceful rule:

An ailing, 81-year-old Fidel Castro resigned as Cuba’s president Tuesday after nearly a half-century in power, saying he will not accept a new term when parliament meets Sunday.

The end of Castro’s rule – the longest in the world for a head of government – frees his 76-year-old brother Raul to implement reforms he has hinted at since taking over as acting president when Fidel Castro fell ill in July 2006. President Bush said he hopes the resignation signals the beginning of a democratic transition.

“My wishes have always been to discharge my duties to my last breath,” Castro wrote in a letter published Tuesday in the online edition of the Communist Party daily Granma. But, he wrote, “it would be a betrayal to my conscience to accept a responsibility requiring more mobility and dedication than I am physically able to offer.”

Adios, scumbag. Countless Commies are weeping their beady little eyes out right now, but real Christians are tallying up your victims and offering hosannahs to the Almighty!

Fidel Castro and Che GuevaraRedstate has a good post up on this subject.

The media, always willing to prop up a communist dictator, loves to talk about Castro’s survival. Next to Saddam Hussein’s electoral victories, it is one of the most fawning statements the media gives out to anyone.

Castro survived Eisenhower. Castro survived Kennedy. He survived Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton.

He won’t survive George W. Bush. For all you media types stopping by, let me repeat that so you can cry a little longer — Fidel Castro will not survive the reign of George W. Bush.

It is a sad day for America haters — the grand daddy champion of the champions of the underprivileged who don’t really care about the underprivileged has given up power in anticipation of meeting his maker on the short path to hell.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

President BushGeorge Bush’s Presidency has seen freedom spread from Afghanistan to Iraq, from Lebanon to Kosovo, from the Ukraine to Libya. Now our Southern neighbors are at the cusp of liberty, cleaning out an unpleasant cranny of Bolshevism in a back corner of our hemisphere. Fidel’s brother is a weakling whose power will fail. Fidel will be dead very, very soon. Cuba will join Christian world again in freedom and brotherhood.

God’s will be done! May God bless these United States!

UPDATE: An example of the sheer idiocy one would expect from the Left on this subject:

The history behind Cuba and the rise of Castro is complex, and I do not agree with him in any way that I am aware of, but I do have to admire the fact that he stuck it to the US for 49 years. With the way we like to go around and rearrange the world, the fact that he was able to stay that long is pretty interesting.

Hooray for Castro! He hated America just like the liberals do!

God, I hope when Cuba embraces democracy they let us expand Guantanamo and incarcerate these nuts in it. That couldn’t happen soon enough for me.

Update (by Psycheout): Apparently CNN sent an early morning email to its anchors ordering them to go easy on the communist dictator:

Smoking gun evidence about how the mainstream media and particularly CNN, which we have always referred to as the castro news network, is trying to sanitize castro’s legacy, EVEN NOW!

As if health care and education were a good enough excuse to violate human rights. We have to be fair now don’t we?

The shocking email is included in its entirety at the link.

Bush Toes the Line in the Sand Keeping America Safe

February 14, 2008

President George W. BushBush is telling those Hippies in Congress that he won’t take orders from the Hate and Ashbury Street rabble when it comes to keeping this country secure from Islamism:

US President George W. Bush plans to veto legislation passed by the Senate to bar the CIA from using harsh interrogation methods including waterboarding, a spokeswoman said Thursday.

“The president will veto that bill,” said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.

“The United States needs the ability to interrogate effectively, within the law, captured Al-Qaeda terrorists.”

The Democratic-led Senate voted 51-45 on Wednesday in favor of a bill calling for the Central Intelligence Agency to adopt the US Army Field Manual, which forbids waterboarding and other types of coercive interrogation methods.

Acid BobIt’s heartening that America has 45 patriots in the Senate, including Senator Brownback. But the assembly is currently controlled by Harry Reid, who takes his marching orders from Nancy Pelosi, who takes hers from “Acid Bob,” some San Francisco lunatic who has way too much information about her personal proclivities. Acid Bob also has thousands of idiot Hippie friends, who are the kingmakers in the worthless state of California. A once-decent state was taken over by moonbat drug dealers, and suddenly idiots like Pelosi and Barbara Boxer got jobs. A cautionary tale for the rest of us.

However, the vote fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to overcome a presidential veto. The House of Representatives passed similar legislation in December.

Democratic New York Senator Charles Schumer said that if Bush “vetoes intelligence authorization, he will be voting in favor of waterboarding.”

Got Water?Good! God wants America to waterboard. It’s not torture; it doesn’t even drown these rats, much as they deserve it. It merely simulates drowning, much as Islam simulates religion. It is not torture; it’s a harmless prank, not unlike those encountered during fraternity hazings. Anyone who grew up with siblings has endured far worse pain and humiliation. Why, my brother Scott once told me I was the adopted offspring of an American sailor and a Cuban prostitute. The emotional pain he caused was far, far worse than the time he stuck a garden hose in my mouth and turned it on. I speak with substantial personal experience on these matters. Waterboarding is not torture, and the only people who’d say otherwise are worthless Hippie Kumbaya-singers and Islamists whose personal idea of a good time is sawing your head off just for setting foot in Arabia.

Asked by a reporter if Bush, who leaves office in 2009, would be labeled as the first US president who favored torture, Perino rejected the assertion and dismissed Schumer’s argument as “simplistic.”

“Across the board people will see, over time, that this was a president who put in place tools to protect the country against terrorists,” Perino said.

Amen, Dana. The first President who favored torture was Thomas Jefferson. His Democrat Party has tormented this country for the last 230 years.

President George W. BushAcross the waterboard, Americans will see their nation saved and valuable intelligence gleaned from worthless scum captives whose lives are worth less than a single pinky from one of their victims. The proof is in the pudding- not one single domestic terrorist incident since 2001. Bush has kept this country safe, but the lefties want to open up Guantanamo and let the terrorists have jobs in your town. They oppose putting water up someone’s nose, yet they favor letting terrorists infiltrate into American society. You can’t make these crazies up, folks.

“The president does not favor torture. The president favors making sure we do all these programs within the law,” she said, adding that “all the interrogations that have taken place in this country have been done in a legal way.”

Perino said the United States does not currently use waterboarding, a simulated drowning technique denounced by rights groups as torture, even though the CIA has admitted using the technique in the past.

She reiterated the administration’s assertion last week that it would not rule out the use of such techniques in the future.

“Currently under the law it is not (allowed),” she said. “As we said last week as well, we are not going to talk about what may or may not be lawful in the future.”

No ACLUHopefully, that will soon change. America needs waterboarding in domestic law enforcement. Too many crimes are effected under the cover of phantasmic “civil liberties” having no basis in rational Christian society. The Fifth Amendment has killed more innocent victims than any gun in the world. With waterboarding, the police could change all that. Non-coercive interrogation methods utilizing a substance already comprising 80% of your body structure would soon teach these criminals the meaning of justice. If you didn’t learn civic responsibility on your neighbor’s slip-and-slide as a juvenile, your local police department will teach it to you as an adult. Hopefully, President Brownback will make it so.

Perino said the intelligence community’s view is that the Army Field Manual sets an inappropriate standard for seasoned CIA interrogators who are working to extract information from sophisticated militant operatives.

“Today with this bill that they are sending to us they would basically repeal the terrorist interrogation program in favor of something that will definitely weaken our ability to protect the country,” Perino said.

“This Army Field Manual is something that is public for all to see, and we know that Al-Qaeda trains to resist interrogation techniques such as those.”

WaterboardingThat’s another good point. Al Qaeda is an organization of crazies who’d rather blow themselves to smithereens killing you than see you driving a car or buying groceries at the local supermarket. Are we really supposed to believe that loud music and uncomfortable seating arrangements are going to make these loonies crack? Get real. Even sticking water up their noses is barely enough to get a peep out of them; notice that not a one has told us where Bin Laden lives. Something harsher should be done, but nothing currently legal will suffice. Still, waterboarding has given us the intelligence we need to defend ourselves, even if we don’t gain the additional intelligence we need to pursue the enemy abroad. I’ll take defensive victories over shameful defeats any day. And so will the other 300 million Americans who want to live secure, happy, and free from terrorist incidents. Waterboarding is the wellspring of our nation’s security.

Islamists Hate Love

February 12, 2008

Hate LoveThey admit as much themselves:

Saudi Arabia has asked florists and gift shops to remove all red items until after Valentine’s Day, calling the celebration of such a holiday a sin, local media reported Monday.

“As Muslims we shouldn’t celebrate a non-Muslim celebration, especially this one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women, ” Sheikh Khaled Al-Dossari, a scholar in Islamic studies, told the Saudi Gazette, an English-language newspaper.

Every year, officials with the conservative Muslim kingdom’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice clamp down on shops a few days before February 14, instructing them to remove red roses, red wrapping paper, gift boxes and teddy bears. On the eve of the holiday, they raid stores and seize symbols of love.

The virtue and vice squad is a police force of several thousand charged with, among other things, enforcing dress codes and segregating the sexes. Saudi Arabia, which follows a strict interpretation of Islam called Wahhabism, punishes unrelated women and men who mingle in public.

These deviants despise all human emotion, and don’t mind telling you so. I can understand having a problem with fornication and homosexuality, as such behavior is genuinely sinful against the True Faith of Christianity. But to besmirch a Christian like Saint Valentine in the name of “religion” is an occult practice, quite predictable when one is talking about a moon god idolatry like Islam but completely inappropriate in light of the revealed truths of Christianity.

Saudi Arabia is our enemy, just as surely as Syria, Iran, and Iraq prior to our recent missionary efforts. None of these nations are inhabited by people who share our values, our beliefs, or our basic human emotions. All they know are hatred and fear for God and God’s works. Like our own liberals, they despise humanity and the better angels of humanity’s nature. They’d rather beat a child for praying to Jesus than hug that child. They’d rather behead a woman for showing her hair than gently chide her for failing to strap her chest down. Their values are consistent with their ancient Persian overlords, whereas ours hail from Christ, and from the noble Greek tradition of freedom typified by the Greek resistance to Persia (as recently shown in the priceless national treasure of a film, “300”).

We are at war with Islam. We have always been at war with Islam, even before the Muslim charlatans took on that name with their pretence of monotheism. We will always be at war with Islam, until God triumphs and Satan is cast into a lake of fiery perdition along with all his works and his followers. Muslims have two choices before them: the path of Christianity, or the path of damnation. By turning their backs on Saint Valentine, they turn their back on Christ Himself, and choose the latter course.

(BTW, it’s fitting that the Communist News Network is griping about the loss of the color red. For dissimilar reasons, they too have rejected Christianity and chosen the pathways of damnation. They shall suffer in accordance with their crimes.)

Praise God, and cast aside Satan and all his wickedness!

Coulter: America Deserves to be Run By Moonbats

February 8, 2008

Ann Coulter has a point, here. If the Democrats win, the American people will flock to the Party of God. As it is, 8 years of moral, sensible government have made the American people complacent, and ripe for the lies and distortions of a deviant candidate like Hitlery.

As usual, Coulter’s one of the smarter analysts out there. (I do wish she’d strap her chest down, but otherwise I also find her a very moral, and very alluring, woman.) Where I tend to disagree with her is her failure to endorse Brownback. I’m not sure America can stand 4 years of Hitlery, even if it’s followed by another 2 decades of Republican dominance. We’re still languishing under a recession caused by Bill Clinton; do we really want a Hitlery recession added onto that? We’ll be in the Great Depression in no time if we keep letting Democrats rule us.

I agree with Coulter about one thing, though: maybe America deserves to be run by Democrats. If we can’t elect God’s candidate, then Hell’s choice is our substitution.

The Fruits of McInsane/Hitlery/Osama

February 6, 2008

Angry JesusGod is sending us some signs, folks.

Residents in five Southern states tried to salvage what they could Wednesday from homes reduced to piles of debris, a day after the deadliest cluster of tornadoes in nearly a decade tore through the region, snapping trees and crumpling homes. At least 48 people were dead.

Wall Street got the message from the Almighty, anyway. Also, they know for sure that Democrats do to the economy what holy water does to vampires. They reacted accordingly.

Stocks regained some ground Wednesday as many investors, though still uneasy about the economy, decided to buy back into a market battered a day earlier by recession worries.
Better-than-expected profit results from Walt Disney Co. handed Wall Street some good news. Disney posted a 26 percent decline in profit late Tuesday, but the results beat expectations. The company — one of the 30 companies that make up the Dow Jones industrials — reported a 9 percent rise in revenue, thanks in part to the success of brands such as ESPN, “High School Musical” and “Hannah Montana.”

Wall Street and Jesus are telling us, loud and clear, that they will not tolerate government by RINOs, Socialists, and Islamists. Are you listening, America? Take your iPods out of your ears and try to understand: if Huckabee/Brownback doesn’t win, this nation is going to die. Alongside the death of this nation, everything you personally hold dear will perish. Unless you’re a liberal Helioleftist who craves Satanism, of course. But people like that are beyond reason.