Archive for the ‘Polling Data’ Category

Filed This One Under, “Who Cares?”

March 20, 2008

Still recuperating, but I just saw this:

The Democratic presidential race has tightened even more, with Hillary Clinton gaining an edge over Barack Obama among Democratic voters, according to a new Gallup poll.

The March 14-18 national survey of 1,209 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters gave Clinton lead of 49 percent to 42 percent over Obama. The poll has an error margin of 3 percentage points.

So, amongst traitors that hate America, the traitors who like the black Muslim who attends sermons by a race-baiter are being edged out by the traitors who like the gay woman whose Vince Foster-murdering, Communist husband fornicated with a harlot in the Oval Office when he wasn’t abetting Osama Bin Laden or wrecking the US economy. Booor-ing!

The less said about those RINO McCainiacs, the better. He makes Communism look good, that phony.

On the other hand, real Americans are divided between praying for the Rapture to take them now, and rolling up their sleeves to continue to do God’s will here on Earth. Real Americans know that the only true candidate, Sam Brownback, will win in 2008. All we have to do is put God in our hearts, and Sam Brownback’s name on our write-in ballot slots. The Lord will watch out for his flock; He Is the Good Shepherd Who will not allow harm to befall them.

Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, so long as God and His Anointed Christian Patriot acolytes are there to guide me. Amen! HIS WILL BE DONE!

So, Huckabee’s Out. Now What?

March 5, 2008

In a sad moment for American political history, Mike Huckabee has bowed out.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee bowed to “the inevitable” and dropped out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday night after an improbable run for a politician little known beyond his home state a year ago.

Huckabee announced he was giving up his bid for the White House after John McCain swept Tuesday’s contests in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island, giving the Arizona senator the delegates needed to claim the party’s nomination in September.

“It’s been a heckuva run,” he said.

Huckabee urged his supporters to back McCain in November and said he has no “Plan B” for his political career.

The last true Republican has left the race. The GOP nominee will now be a RINO who opposes free speech and embraces bigoted Catholic-bashers. The RINOs have won the Party, and I strongly urge all Christians to leave the building.

In a way, this is a positive development. Huckabee was the last obstacle to the Brownback write-in campaign. My faith is too strong to allow me to believe that God hates America this much. As far as I can tell, He wants to test our resolve and our piety. We have a clear choice this November: vote for a Satanist Communist Islamist (be it Billary or Hussein Osama), vote for a Socialist RINO with Know-Nothing 19th-century Nativist leanings (McCain), or write-in a candidate. That candidate will be Brownback, and his victory will shake this hypocritical Babylon to its foundations. God has not yet forsaken His faithful. That is a promise, America. That is a promise.

Go, and pray for what comes. We face a challenging time of darkness before the light shall again shine down upon us.

Vote for America! Vote for Brownback!

Vermont Women Unite to Repeal Womens’ Suffrage!

March 4, 2008

Looks like some women have finally caught on to the horror of womens’ suffrage. I smell the beginnings of a Christian movement, here. If so many college-educated women in the most depraved and liberal state this side of California can see the light about the horrendous nature of allowing women to vote, there’s still hope that America can repeal that Amendment, save women from the nightmare of enfranchisement, and restore them to the freedom of the domestic roles for which God intended them.

God bless America, and free our women from the onerous burdens Satanist secularists have imposed on them.

Coulter: America Deserves to be Run By Moonbats

February 8, 2008

Ann Coulter has a point, here. If the Democrats win, the American people will flock to the Party of God. As it is, 8 years of moral, sensible government have made the American people complacent, and ripe for the lies and distortions of a deviant candidate like Hitlery.

As usual, Coulter’s one of the smarter analysts out there. (I do wish she’d strap her chest down, but otherwise I also find her a very moral, and very alluring, woman.) Where I tend to disagree with her is her failure to endorse Brownback. I’m not sure America can stand 4 years of Hitlery, even if it’s followed by another 2 decades of Republican dominance. We’re still languishing under a recession caused by Bill Clinton; do we really want a Hitlery recession added onto that? We’ll be in the Great Depression in no time if we keep letting Democrats rule us.

I agree with Coulter about one thing, though: maybe America deserves to be run by Democrats. If we can’t elect God’s candidate, then Hell’s choice is our substitution.

Question for the Liberals…

February 1, 2008

You people would vote for an Atheist President, right?  Well, how about a Scientologist candidate, if you otherwise agreed with him on the issues?

 I want to know exactly what level of stupid I’m dealing with, here.  I think Scientology is even worse than Atheism, but I’m curious if you degenerate agree or not.

Huckaboom in South Carolina

January 7, 2008

South CarolinaWith less than two weeks to go before South Carolina makes its choice for President, Huckabee is where he wants to be: at the top.

In a Republican Primary for President of the United States in South Carolina today, 01/07/08, twelve days to the vote, Republican Mike Huckabee is 2:1 atop challengers Mitt Romney and John McCain, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for WCSC-TV Charleston and WSPA-TV Greenville.

The numbers look promising for Mike Huckabee, even better than they did in Iowa.

Today, after Iowa and before New Hampshire, it’s Huckabee 36%, Romney 19%, McCain 17%, Fred Thompson 11%, Rudolph Giuliani 9% and Ron Paul 5%.

And another Huckaboom appears to be taking place. Huck has been on the rise, once again.

Compared to a SurveyUSA tracking poll released 3 weeks ago, before Christmas and before Iowa, Huckabee is up 8 points, all other candidates are effectively flat or down. Upstate, Huckabee leads by 22. In the Midlands, he leads by 16. In the Low Country, he leads by 14.

And South Carolina voters care about the issues. That’s what’s helping Huck.

South Carolina Republicans think the next President should focus on Immigration ahead of all other issues. On Immigration, Huckabee and Romney had been tied, Huckabee now leads. Among Republicans who say the Economy is most important, Huckabee’s support has quintupled over the past 60 days and he is now 2:1 preferred over all others.

Huckabee: preferred 2:1. How’s that for a campaign slogan! Go Mike!

Update: Rasmussen agrees:

  • Mike Huckabee 28% (12%)
  • John McCain 21% (9%)
  • Mitt Romney 15% (21%)
  • Fred Thompson 11% (21%)
  • Rudy Giuliani 10% (13%)
  • Ron Paul 4% (8%)
  • Some other candidate 2% (4%)
  • Not sure 9%

Look at that!  Mike more than doubled his numbers.  This is surely another Huckaboom!