Archive for the ‘John McCain’ Category

Filed This One Under, “Who Cares?”

March 20, 2008

Still recuperating, but I just saw this:

The Democratic presidential race has tightened even more, with Hillary Clinton gaining an edge over Barack Obama among Democratic voters, according to a new Gallup poll.

The March 14-18 national survey of 1,209 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters gave Clinton lead of 49 percent to 42 percent over Obama. The poll has an error margin of 3 percentage points.

So, amongst traitors that hate America, the traitors who like the black Muslim who attends sermons by a race-baiter are being edged out by the traitors who like the gay woman whose Vince Foster-murdering, Communist husband fornicated with a harlot in the Oval Office when he wasn’t abetting Osama Bin Laden or wrecking the US economy. Booor-ing!

The less said about those RINO McCainiacs, the better. He makes Communism look good, that phony.

On the other hand, real Americans are divided between praying for the Rapture to take them now, and rolling up their sleeves to continue to do God’s will here on Earth. Real Americans know that the only true candidate, Sam Brownback, will win in 2008. All we have to do is put God in our hearts, and Sam Brownback’s name on our write-in ballot slots. The Lord will watch out for his flock; He Is the Good Shepherd Who will not allow harm to befall them.

Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, so long as God and His Anointed Christian Patriot acolytes are there to guide me. Amen! HIS WILL BE DONE!

So, Huckabee’s Out. Now What?

March 5, 2008

In a sad moment for American political history, Mike Huckabee has bowed out.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee bowed to “the inevitable” and dropped out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday night after an improbable run for a politician little known beyond his home state a year ago.

Huckabee announced he was giving up his bid for the White House after John McCain swept Tuesday’s contests in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island, giving the Arizona senator the delegates needed to claim the party’s nomination in September.

“It’s been a heckuva run,” he said.

Huckabee urged his supporters to back McCain in November and said he has no “Plan B” for his political career.

The last true Republican has left the race. The GOP nominee will now be a RINO who opposes free speech and embraces bigoted Catholic-bashers. The RINOs have won the Party, and I strongly urge all Christians to leave the building.

In a way, this is a positive development. Huckabee was the last obstacle to the Brownback write-in campaign. My faith is too strong to allow me to believe that God hates America this much. As far as I can tell, He wants to test our resolve and our piety. We have a clear choice this November: vote for a Satanist Communist Islamist (be it Billary or Hussein Osama), vote for a Socialist RINO with Know-Nothing 19th-century Nativist leanings (McCain), or write-in a candidate. That candidate will be Brownback, and his victory will shake this hypocritical Babylon to its foundations. God has not yet forsaken His faithful. That is a promise, America. That is a promise.

Go, and pray for what comes. We face a challenging time of darkness before the light shall again shine down upon us.

Vote for America! Vote for Brownback!

Paul Weyrich Endorses Huck

February 11, 2008

Paul WeyrichAs folks continue to count Huck out, despite his strong performance over the weekend and his subsequent rise in Virginia primary polls, the influential endorsements keep coming in.  The big name Republicans who are dissatisfied with moderate “maverick” John McCain are turning to the conservative alternative: Mike Huckabee.

Mike Huckabee received the endorsement of longtime conservative activist Paul Weyrich, a former Romney supporter who called him this morning with the news.

And here’s how the man from Hope reacted:

“He called me first of all and initiated the conversation and indicated to me that he felt like I was the one guy that was left that was a true conservative that really believed things that mattered to a lot of conservatives and it involved everything from strong national defense to immigration to tax policy, the life question. There were many different reasons, and, you know, so obviously, this is good news for me. I appreciate it,” Huckabee said.

This is good news that the media would like to downplay, as usual.

Asked how beneficial the endorsement would be since it hadn’t helped Romney, Huckabee shrugged, “Well, but a lot of things didn’t help Mitt Romney, including $100 million.”

Another great comeback.  Keep fighting onwards, Mike!  You’ve got us all behind you.

== Sam Brown ==

What’s the Matter with Washington?

February 10, 2008

Washington State SealIn Saturday’s electoral contests, Mike Huckabee came awful close to sweeping John McCain, as Barack Obama did to her royal highness, Hillary Clinton. As the day wound down, the remaining question mark was Washington state’s caucus vote.

Early in the counting, Mike Huckabee was ahead of John McCain. With 37% reporting it was Huck over McCain by three points. It began to swing the other way later in the evening, and with 87% reporting, McCain was up by two percentage points, with just over 200 votes separating the two.

Then something strange happened. The Washington state GOP called it a night and stopped counting the votes. Then today, still stuck at 87%, the party called it for McCain.

Washington State Party Chairman Luke Esser released the following statement this evening, “What a great day for Washington Republicans. They came out in full force today to support their candidates, and to make their voices heard. Congratulations to Sen. McCain for a hard-fought win, his second caucus victory in the 2008 presidential nomination process. And congratulations to Gov. Huckabee for his strong second-place finish.”

“A great day for Washington Republicans?” Excuse me, but what in the world is going on here? Why not count the rest of the votes before calling the result? As I write this, the vote count is 3,468 to 3,226 in McCain’s favor. Why did they wait until the presumptive nominee was ahead to stop counting? This is like stopping a Superbowl game with 8 minutes to go and declaring the team trailing most of the game the winner.

Mike Huckabee noted this situation on Meet the Press today, saying that “weird things” were going on. Indeed. What’s the matter with Washington?

The final results are expected tomorrow (Monday). If McCain does indeed win, fine. It was expected. But if Huckabee pulls out a victory, effectively sweeping Saturday’s contests, then the Washington state GOP owes Huck an apology. Are they trying to save McCain embarrassment rather than letting the voters’ full voice be heard? Why wait to count the rest of the votes?

Something’s fishy here. Remember the irregularities in voting for the position of Governor where Dino Rossi was robbed of his rightful victory? What’s up, Washington?

Update: Mike Huckabee Challenges Washington Caucus Results.

Mike Huckabee is challenging the results of the Washington state Republican caucuses, his campaign announced Sunday, after accusing the state party chairman of calling the election for John McCain before all the votes were counted.

The campaign will be pursuing a full investigation, including sending in lawyers to join those already on the scene in the state, officials told FOX News.

And Ed Rollins was reading my mind.

Ed Rollins, Huckabee campaign chairman, directly challenged Esser’s move, saying the count was incomplete because the other 12.8 percent of precincts could tip the scales since McCain was beating Huckabee by only a couple hundred votes.

“The chairman showed very bad judgment in stopping the voting last night when announcing John McCain had won, when there was less than a 200-vote margin between the two candidates,” Rollins told FOX News in an exclusive interview. “You never announce a vote, in my 40 years of politics, I have never know anybody to announce a vote count before the vote is counted.”

Good for you Huck! It may change nothing, but it is important to count all the votes before attempting to write the media narrative. A Huckasweep would be big news. Two victories out of three is good, but a sweep would be better, especially going into the next primaries. The Washington state GOP has done a great disservice to Republican voters.

Update 2: See also the Huckabee campaign’s press release regarding the incomplete Washington state caucus results. It notes that calling the race at 87% means that “more than one in eight Evergreen State Republicans have been disenfranchised by the actions of their own party.” Disgraceful.

Ed Rollins has stated that “the Huckabee Presidential Campaign will be exploring all available legal options regarding the dubious final results for the state of Washington State Republican precinct caucuses….”

Update 3: Something like this has happened before in Washington state. Flash back to the 2004 election:

In the November 2 election, over 2.8 million votes were cast for Governor. After the initial vote count, Rossi led Democrat Christine Gregoire by 261 votes [4]. Washington State law required a recount because of the small margin. After the second count, Rossi again led, but by a smaller margin of 42 votes. After a third count, done by hand, Gregoire took a 129 vote lead.

Christine Gregoire (D) won once after Dino Rossi (R) won twice! They kept recounting until Gregoire won. Very nice. The votes that got the Democrat over the top were referred to as “found ballots.” Perhaps Washington state’s GOP is “finding” more votes right now to ensure a McCain victory. This really needs to be investigated.

== Sam Brown ==

Mike Huckabee Takes Kansas; Update: Louisiana Too!

February 9, 2008

Huckabee SupportersMike Huckabee, refusing to concede to John McCain, racks up another win, this time in the state of Kansas, this despite the endorsement of McCain by Kansas Senator and former Presidential candidate Sam Brownback.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee easily won the Kansas caucus Saturday, defeating John McCain despite the Senator’s vast lead among delegates in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

And there’s no sign that the plucky Arkansan from Hope is going to just let McCain have the nomination. He’s in this race until it’s actually over. That’s a good thing, since Mike Huckabee is the conservative alternative to the Arizona “maverick.”

The vote for Huckabee is another sign that McCain has yet to win over the nation’s conservative, heartland voters despite having dispatched most of his rivals during the first five weeks of the year.

In an speech to conservative activists in Washington Saturday morning, he said “I didn’t major in math,” he said at the Conservative Political Action Conference meeting. “I majored in miracles, and I still believe in them.”

Huck is going to fight to the end, and there may be more surprises in store.

But Huckabee told reporters after his speech that he will wait until he or McCain wins the needed 1,191 delegates. “I won’t drop out until at least that happens,” he said. “Then we’ll see.”

Go Huckabee!

Update: Huckabee wins in Louisiana and is giving JMac a run for his money in Washington state.  W00t!

== Sam Brown ==

Coulter: America Deserves to be Run By Moonbats

February 8, 2008

Ann Coulter has a point, here. If the Democrats win, the American people will flock to the Party of God. As it is, 8 years of moral, sensible government have made the American people complacent, and ripe for the lies and distortions of a deviant candidate like Hitlery.

As usual, Coulter’s one of the smarter analysts out there. (I do wish she’d strap her chest down, but otherwise I also find her a very moral, and very alluring, woman.) Where I tend to disagree with her is her failure to endorse Brownback. I’m not sure America can stand 4 years of Hitlery, even if it’s followed by another 2 decades of Republican dominance. We’re still languishing under a recession caused by Bill Clinton; do we really want a Hitlery recession added onto that? We’ll be in the Great Depression in no time if we keep letting Democrats rule us.

I agree with Coulter about one thing, though: maybe America deserves to be run by Democrats. If we can’t elect God’s candidate, then Hell’s choice is our substitution.

Mike Huckabee: The Last Conservative Standing

February 7, 2008

Mike HuckabeeMitt Romney has dropped out. John McCain, the Republican “maverick” is in the lead. One solid conservative remains. Romney supporters and those who consider McCain a liberal have to make a choice. And they have to make it soon. The right choice is obviously the last conservative standing: Mike Huckabee. He stands alone in the Republican field. Will you stand with him or will you allow the White House to be taken by a liberal? Do you want our next President to steer the ship of state hard to port (left)?

If not, it’s time to get behind the true conservative candidate, Mike Huckabee. If you don’t do it now, you will kick yourself later. I guarantee it.

Update: A former Mitt supporter in a classless display of sour grapes. It’s really sad that some fervent Mittbots have taken Mitt’s dropping out personally and have chosen to childishly take it out on the last conservative standing. Sad, really. Let go of your hate. It will destroy you.

I know most Romney supporters are not unhinged like this guy and can make up their own mind. John McCain or Mike Huckabee. Choose wisely. America’s future is at stake.

== Sam Brown ==

The Fruits of McInsane/Hitlery/Osama

February 6, 2008

Angry JesusGod is sending us some signs, folks.

Residents in five Southern states tried to salvage what they could Wednesday from homes reduced to piles of debris, a day after the deadliest cluster of tornadoes in nearly a decade tore through the region, snapping trees and crumpling homes. At least 48 people were dead.

Wall Street got the message from the Almighty, anyway. Also, they know for sure that Democrats do to the economy what holy water does to vampires. They reacted accordingly.

Stocks regained some ground Wednesday as many investors, though still uneasy about the economy, decided to buy back into a market battered a day earlier by recession worries.
Better-than-expected profit results from Walt Disney Co. handed Wall Street some good news. Disney posted a 26 percent decline in profit late Tuesday, but the results beat expectations. The company — one of the 30 companies that make up the Dow Jones industrials — reported a 9 percent rise in revenue, thanks in part to the success of brands such as ESPN, “High School Musical” and “Hannah Montana.”

Wall Street and Jesus are telling us, loud and clear, that they will not tolerate government by RINOs, Socialists, and Islamists. Are you listening, America? Take your iPods out of your ears and try to understand: if Huckabee/Brownback doesn’t win, this nation is going to die. Alongside the death of this nation, everything you personally hold dear will perish. Unless you’re a liberal Helioleftist who craves Satanism, of course. But people like that are beyond reason.

Pray for Mike Huckabee; Pray for America

February 4, 2008

PrayTomorrow is Super Tuesday.  All the conventional wisdom signs point to Mike coming in third, but still staying in the race.  That is good, but not good enough.  So pray for Mike to do well.

On top of that, I request all readers to pray that Mitt Romney (also known as the greatest flip flopper since John F’n Kerry) flops again.  He’s the worst thing to happen to the Republican party since…well, ever.  The Republican party does not need a Bill Clinton of its own, the Democrat Party already has one.

Even if Huckabee does indeed come in third, it will be a great day if Mutt Romney comes in second, far behind McCain.  John is not perfect, but he’s far and away better than Mittens.

And be sure to include in your prayers: “GO HUCK!”

== Sam Brown ==

Down To the Wire

January 2, 2008

HorseraceIowa’s caucuses are tomorrow night. It looks like the top three finishers on the Republican side will be Huckabee, Romney and McCain. But who will be first? It depends on the poll, so it could be anyone.

According to Strategic Vision, the numbers are:

Mitt Romney 30%
Mike Huckabee 28%
John McCain 16%
Fred Thompson 13%
Rudy Giuliani 4%
Ron Paul 4%
Duncan Hunter 1%
undecided 4%

But according to Zogby, a different outcome:

Mike Huckabee 28% (29)
Mitt Romney 26% (25)
John McCain 12% (12)
Fred Thompson 12% (10)
Ron Paul 9% (7)
Rudy Giuliani 7% (8)

It will be interesting to see the results when they come in. Go Mike!