Faithmouse: “Don’t Be a Schmuckabee…”


Faithmouse features an amusing Huckabee comic today:

Don't Be a Schmuckabee...Vote for Huckabee!

In his commentary following the strip, artist Dan Lacey explains:

…if fellow wing-nuts succeed at wounding Huck just to keep Mr. Christian social conservative from upsetting the power cart, I suspect evangelicals who helped pushed Bush over the top in 2004 will walk in 2008, myself included.

What he Hucka-said!  And given a choice between McCain and Huckabee, Dan wisely chooses Huck.

== Sam Brown ==

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3 Responses to “Faithmouse: “Don’t Be a Schmuckabee…””

  1. Faithmouse Friday « Blogs 4 Brownback Says:

    […] Don’t be a schmuckabee. […]

  2. The Nobody Says:

    I, The Nobody, am a complete and total idiot.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Yes. That person pretending to be the Nobody is a complete and total idiot.

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